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4. Smaller -folded and Unfolded.jpg

Art Building Self Tour Guide Pamphlet

(Adobe Illustrator)

Prompt: Create a folded paper pamphlet to guide visitors through the Buchwald Art building. The pamphlet must be informative enough to provide the same information and clarity that a live tour guide could give. 


I was inspired by maps from Art museums. On art museum maps there is much information to show, many spaces to articulate, and very little room on the paper to display everything. The floorplan on my booklet was drawn at an angle to give the new visitors a sense of direction as they move through the art building. I tried not to repeat the same information that can be found on the Buchwald page of the MVNU website. I personally photographed the art building focusing on students as well as the art they were making. I used the font “DIN” and those specific colors because it was part of the MVNU branding standards manual. Some of the mock-ups I folded looked good but were too complicated to unfold and refold. Visitors of Buchwald will not want to fumble with a complicated design, so I chose a simpler, folded booklet. I designed the booklet so that it can be small enough to fit in someone’s pocket. This design also has detachable coupons for the college coffee shop and the bookstore. 

Front Cover
Inner Panels
Back Cover

2022 by Liz Crosby

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