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Motherboard on Desktop_edited.jpg

Campus Computers Desktop Wallpaper

(Adobe Illustrator)

Prompt: Create a digital computer wallpaper to be used on every computer across campus. The design must represent MVNU as a college, include a warning to save to a flash drive, instead of the hard drive, and at least one instance of the MVNU tech support logo. 


Most of the computers on campus are PCs, so I designed the screen around a PC’s lock screen layout. To avoid screen burnout, the client requested that we not design any screens with primarily white backgrounds. The client recommended using the colors of MVNU and colors that evoked technology or speed. These colors included blues, greens, blacks and grays. Image heavy designs are preferred to word-heavy designs. I tried to capture the essence of MVNU while incorporating technology motifs like circuitry or wires. I wanted to combine MVNU’s famous stained glass chapel windows with the motherboard logo. There were many ideas that I had to abandon, but I was conscious of how the computer screens illuminated the room. The final product was a combination of creativity and practicality. The faded logos overtop of the stained glass windows evoke a web-like network similar to the wifi patterns on campus. This subtly communicates the reliability of the IT service. Motherboard is there for students, wherever they go. 

2022 by Liz Crosby

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