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Product Design:
Dry Shampoo

(Adobe Illustrator)

Prompt: Design product packaging for
the product of your choice. The packaging must entice the shopper and also clearly communicate what the product is. 


I chose to design a line of dry shampoo for two reasons. First, it can be difficult to find when the cans are standing next to other bottles of the same brand. Second, if a consumer can find the cans, it is hard to tell the hairspray from the dry shampoo. Additionally, it is difficult for consumers to find a dry shampoo with the right texture, smell, opacity, and weight for their hair type. In my designs, the name of the product is placed vertically on the side of the can to maximize scale and visibility. The Right Stuff dry shampoo is marketed for the feminist; women work hard and are always on the go. I created a tall container for morning preparation as well as a travel-sized can for women in need of a touch up as they go about their day. Staying beautiful should be effortless. To create a sense of movement and action, I took inspiration from the Russian constructivist work of El Lissitzky. I was also inspired by the Marilyn Monroe halftone prints by Andy Warhol. The halftone image of the woman with pixel sunglasses was a happy accident. Black and white were used for important small print text. The high contrast enables optimum legibility. . 



2022 by Liz Crosby

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